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Safety, Community, Together.

The Rapid Way Professional Security

The Rapid Way

Protecting our families, homes and communities are at the core of Rapid International’s foundation.

Community Involvement

We provide your community with training, education and tools to enforce governing laws, regulations and guidelines.


When your neighborhood group partners with Rapid International, you give your community security and peace of mind.

The Rapid Way: Proactive community-led neighborhood and localized security

Rapid International engages proactive neighbors and community members to lead hyper local security groups. We provide you with the equipment and train you in the skills you need to keep your homes, families and communities secure and safe. Take pride in making your neighborhood a safer place to live, work, play and grow.

Keep your neighborhoods secure the Rapid Way

Rapid International gives communities the opportunity to make a difference for each other. Community members who oversee the safety of the neighborhoods in which they are a part of will always do what is best for their own, which makes Rapid International’s program one of the most sought after in the nation.

Rapid International Group

We are driven by values.

We cherish our values, and we cherish yours. We are a community that strives to build a safer living space, workplace and lifestyle.

We’d love to help!

We take keeping our families and community safe and secure
seriously. We know you do too. Get in touch and send us a quick
note to let us know how we can help. 

You can also email us directly at

There is no cost to you, except some time to learn about community security The Rapid Way!

California Inquires Call: (213) 364-1394
Georgia Inquiries Call: (706) 844-2586

Dedicated to our loved ones, B.O.S.S.N.

Luke 1:37